
Model-Aware Repository and Service Environment (Morse)

The Model-Aware Repository and Service Environment (Morse) is a service-based environment for the management and use of models and model-instances at both design- and runtime. Models, model-elements, and its versions are identified by Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) and stored and managed in the Morse repository. The Morse repository provides versioning capabilities so that models can be manipulated at runtime and new and old versions of the models can be maintained in parallel.


Vienna BPEL for People (VieBOP)

The VieBOP system permits usage of existing BPEL engines for process deployment and execution while managing the people aspects of BPEL4People processes. As a consequence, traditional BPEL engines do not have to be extended for BPEL4People in order to host processes where people are involved. Particularly they do not need to understand BPEL4People definitions. Instead interpretation and handling of BPEL4People data and aspects is done by VieBOP.