Short CV
Ta’id Holmes studied Computer Science at the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Vienna and Chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology, CPE Lyon, and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. He received a DEA (Diplôme d’Études Approfondies en Chimie Organique Fine) from Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in Organic Chemistry, a DI (Diplom-Ingenieur) from the Vienna University of Technology in Software Engineering & Internet Computing, and a Dr.techn. (Doctor of Science) from the Vienna University of Technology in Engineering Sciences. Since March 2007 he is a guest lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. In January 2011 he finished his PhD at the Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Schahram Dustdar and Prof. Uwe Zdun with distinction. In April 2011 he joined SAP Research as a PostDoc and in January 2013 Deutsche Telekom AG for fostering the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) strategy where he was part of the Infrastructure Cloud Team. Ta’id officially became a Googler in September 2018.